Who This Book Is For

Web Developers

Build a strong knowledge of Angular Reactive Forms and boost your productivity

Enterprise Companies

Learn practices for a clean and robust architecture on Angular Reactive Forms

What You Will Learn

HTML Binding

Test some examples on how to bind with all the HTML elements

Custom and ASYNC Validators

Build strong proficiency in how to write and use rich Angular custom and async validators

Dynamic Validators

Create dynamic validators by observing the values of your Form

Unit Tests

Maintain high-quality code by writing and learning how to unit test you Reactive Forms

Re-usable Forms

Reuse and split Angular Forms into multiple components

Best Practices

Based on best practices that are widely used across the Angualr Community


Chapter 1 Getting started with Reactive Forms

You will learn what Reactive Forms are and why you should master them. You will also learn in-depth the details of all the Reactive Forms Building Blocks

Chapter 2HTML Form Binding

Binding with HTML elements is easy, but things might be complex enough in certain cases. In this chapter, you will learn how to apply a binding with all the HTML elements

Chapter 3 Built-in Validators

The validations are a core feature as they act as a communication channel between the system and the user

Chapter 4 Custom Validators

Often, the built-in validators in complex forms are not enough for the business scenarios. Learn how to create custom validators

Chapter 5 Interact with Control's Value and Status

You will learn how to interact with user data and create dynamic validators

Chapter 6 Unit testing

Unit Tests are vital for the quality and robustness of an application. Angular Reactive Forms offer a great way to write your unit tests

Chapter 7 Split and Reuse a Form

How should you handle a big Angular Form? How can you split it into various components? How can you re-use a particular Component Form? This chapter will dive deeper into Angular Reactive Forms, and you will learn how to achieve those mentioned above

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Fanis Prodromou

Fanis Prodromou is a senior software engineer with a passion for Front End development with Angular. He lives in Athens, Greece, and has worked in many big companies. During his 14 years of coding, he has developed vast experience in code quality, application architecture, and application performance.

Being aware of how rapidly computer science and the tech aspects evolve, he tries to stay up to date by attending conferences and meetups, by studying and trying new technologies. He loves to share his knowledge and help other developers.

"Sharing is Caring"

He teaches Angular in enterprise companies via Code.Hub institute, he writes articles and creates YouTube videos.

He enjoys spending time with his two cats, hiking and scuba diving in his free time.

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